What Do Ashes Do?

Field Notes From a Religion-Less Christian


February 22, 2023

Ash Wednesday


What Do Ashes Do?


Ashes to Ashes. Dust to Dust.

Mom is that. Dad is that. Mom for the actual first time on this

Ash Wednesday.

Isn’t it true that any quest for holiness is not that at all,

But rather

A grasping for immortality?

Safety, Security, Success: it’s not all about


So what does recognition if not admission of my


Bring me?

Not a way out or around it all. Not just a different or unique step, this one “spiritual,”

To the same end.

To say I am ashes does not demean or demote, belittle or bemoan my existence.

It’s doesn’t give me, though, anything, either.

That’s the newness of it: it gets me


I have news for you: your ashes, imposed and end of life, get you nowhere.

What now? What then?

Now then.


Look around you and you will see.


There is somebody who needs justice.

Go help them.

There is somebody who needs reconciliation.

Go help them.

There is this, then, somebody who does not have enough.

You do. Give them yours.

There is this, then, somebody who does not do enough.

You do. Give them yours.

There is this, then, somebody who is not enough.

You are. Give them yours.

You have enough. You do enough. You are enough.

Take that news and that good and give it to somebody.

It gets you nowhere. It takes them everywhere.

That is what ashes do.


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