Executive and Missional Leader Coaching

It’s About What’s Next

-get traction in the things you know you need and want to be doing!

-discover how to truly equip others and reduce your work load to what really counts!

-lead and manage (know the difference!) for growth

-move from holding on to getting in gear!


-Coaching Engagement for leaders

-Coaching agreements can be project based (time period as long as Person or Team Being Coached wants to focus on a particular action or idea that needs to be accomplished OR calendar based (time period that Person/Team Being Coached determines). The most effective coaching engagement is a minimum of 6 months. 

-Minimum of one 1-hour coaching session per month

-Outside of coaching session email and phone contact availability of Coach

-Coaching Sessions normally use on-line video platform provided by the Being and Doing Matters Coaching Services; phone only coaching sessions are available.


-Start any time!


-Coaching session using web-based session platform or phone

How Much

-Free On-Boarding Sessions (1-2 Sessions)

-$100 per Coaching Session