Tuesday of Holy Week

It's Tuesday of Holy Week. Perhaps you are reading or listening to "The Last Week: A Day by Day Account of Jesus's Final Week in Jerusalem” (Borg and Crossan, 2006, available at Amazon.com) But even if you are not engaging that book (and I do recommend it!), read Mark 11:27-13:37. Yes, it's long, the longest/most material covered in one day (Tuesday!) in Mark's account of the last week, but it's worth it.

My question for the day and thoughts about the question, to match the length of the reading, is long.

What was Jesus about and how did he live it out?

The What and How of Jesus.

The Mission and Actual Values of Jesus.

Author's Borg and Crossan say that "beneath Mark's timetable one may perceive a deeper meaning in his apocalyptic conviction. Namely, what has begun in Jesus will triumph, despite the tumult and resistance of this world"

So, again, today's question in an added form: What was begun in Jesus? What was Jesus about and how did he live it out?


Wednesday of Holy Week


Sunday and Monday of Holy Week